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Help, accompany, prevent

Smart Macadam uses innovative technologies to preserve the autonomy
of people weakened by age, handicap
or illness

About Smart Macadam

The story of a young innovative comany

We are living in an unprecedented era which makes it possible to use the most innovative technologies to help the most vulnerable people. This conviction motivated the creation of Smart Macadam in 2018. Our group of passionate entrepreneurs, engineers and researchers took the decision to join forces to meet such a challenge. Huge bulks of data, great algorithms and promising technologies are available today to invent a better future. We're willing to create innovative solutions to help preserve the autonomy of the most vulnerable ones. Helped by BPI, incubated by Atlanpole in Nantes, accompanied by IMT Atlantique, Smart Macadam helps improve the daily lives of the elderly, sick and disabled.

Research and development

Applied research is our DNA

It takes time to understand the difficulties encountered by frail people. We communicate with sick, elderly and disabled individuals as we aim to become attentive witnesses of their daily lives. We involve health professionals to save time and avoid mistakes. We study the technical, functional and legal constraints of existing solutions. Observing is key to design effective solutions.

With the help of real users and thanks to the support of a dedicated Scientific Committee, Smart Macadam designs prototypes of new solutions, resulting from our observations. Co-design, strict rigor and a huge amount of patience are critical to design efficient prototypes, meeting the requirements and expectations of the most demanding users.

It is essential to confront each solution with the expectations of many users not involved in the design of the prototypes. Experimental campaigns, dedicated focus groups and field tests help us improve the way our solutions works and match the highest level of expectations. Our aim: turn every prototype into a truly relevant solution for the greatest number of people.


Preserve the autonomy of the eldery

Mementop is the first solution designed by Smart Macadam. It is aimed at elderly people eager to preserve their autonomy. Mementop offers seniors and their caregivers the following items:

  • A personalized weekly gazette
  • A dedicated smartphone app
  • A dedicated user assistance service

By combining a human approach and the use of innovative technologies, Mementop improves the daily life of the elderly while relieving their caregivers.

They help us!

BPI France supports us by actively contributing to the financing of our research projects through grants and repayable advances

The Maison des Aidants brings us its expertise in providing support to the caregivers of people with a neurodegenerative disease

As a historic partner of Smart Macadam, the Gérontopôle des Pays de la Loire supports our research projects with its expertise in geriatrics, psycho-geriatrics and neuropsychology

ITM Atlantic supports our research projects through tutored projects with highly motivated groups of students

The status of Young Innovative Company obtained by Smart Macadam helps to validate the relevance of our applied research projects

Thanks to its dynamism and versatility, the University of Nantes is a key research partner of Smart Macadam in cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence

The University of Toulon, IMSIC laboratory, helps us to take ownership of the functional and technical issues resulting from a successful and coherent user experience

The France Alzheimer association. with its 99 offices in France, helps us to understand the challenges and difficulties experienced by dyades on a daily basis

The UNA allows us to understand the exact nature of the difficulties and constraints that weigh on the caregivers of people weakened by age, handicap or disease

Since the creation of Smart Macadam, Atlanpole has been supporting us on all aspects related to the development of our startup: business, HR, financing, projects, R&D...

Contact us

To learn more about Smart Macadam, please fill out this contact form.

Smart Macadam
3 chemin du Pressoir Chênaie
44100 Nantes - FRANCE

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